New name, new version for GAPS software

April 21, 2016  - By

GAPS v6.0.0 is now rebranded as the GNSS Analysis and Positioning Software.

GAPS software — hosted by the University of New Brunswick, Canada — provides users with accurate satellite positioning using a single GNSS receiver both in static and kinematic mode. Through the use of precise orbit and clock products provided by sources such as the International GNSS Service (IGS) and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), it is possible to achieve centimeter-level positioning in static mode and decimeter-level positioning in kinematic mode given a sufficient convergence period.

The newest version provides users with the ability to process various combinations of GPS, Galileo and BeiDou observables as well as several other new processing features for researchers and surveyors.

Users are invited to submit feedback via email to

GAPS-derived position fixes for a test drive in Fredericton. (Image: UNB)

GAPS-derived position fixes for a test drive in Fredericton. (Image: UNB)

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