What have you been up to in the world of PNT?

March 29, 2017  - By

Photo: Microdrones

Do anything interesting today? Specifically, did you do something interesting involving positioning, navigation or timing (PNT)?

GPS World is always on the look-out for case studies — stories of how you, our readers, used PNT or GNSS equipment, or applied related technologies, to solve a problem. Each month in our Market Watch and Updates sections, I try to include a few case studies. We always provide news about new products or company and industry announcements, but it’s the case studies that often “bring it home” to our readers.

We’ve taken a look at thermal mapping at the South Pole and a one-man survey project on a remote tropical island, using both a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) and a receiver on a pole. We also share how lifeguards can use UAVs to save people who are drowning. Previously, we discussed how avalanches were being mapped and how a state transportation department was making the move to tablets for 3D mapping. We showed how UAVs could speed cell-tower recovery after floods.

So, tell us what you’re up to. We want to hear about it. With pictures. Email me at tcozzens@northcoastmedia.net.

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