Are You Master of the Galileo Universe?

March 20, 2014  - By

2013 Galileo Master KINEXON offered a precise tracking and monitoring solution for sports and healthcare.

The European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) is looking for services, products, and business innovations that use satellite navigation in everyday life. Prizes will be awarded by some of the most relevant institutional GNSS stakeholders, such as the European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the European Space Agency (ESA). In addition, partner regions from all over the world are hosting regional challenges.

The competition officially kicks off at the European Navigation Conference in Rotterdam on April 15, but submissions are being accepted from April 1 to June 30.

The prize pool of ESNC 2014 is expected to value about 1 million euros. Awards include cash prizes, business incubation, business coaching, patent consulting, technical support, access to testing facilities, prototype development, publicity, marketing support, feasibility studies, access to experts and public funding, and more.

In 2013, 25 partner regions offered prizes, and seven special prizes were provided by leading European industry and research partners. Entries will be assessed by the expert panels of the regions and special prize partners.

The overall winner — the Galileo Master — will be selected from among all regional and special prize winners by an international panel of high-ranking experts. The Galileo Master will be revealed at an awards ceremony in Munich, Germany, in October, and will receive an additional cash prize of 20,000 euros as well as the chance to realize the winning idea as part of a six-month incubation program in the region of his or her choice.

For full details, visit the competition website.


The ESNC is hosting a session at the CAPIGI conference in Amsterdam on April 3, jointly with the Copernicus Masters. The conference is dedicated to space technology for agriculture, focusing on the European Flagship programs Galileo and Copernicus. CAPIGI, the Community on Agricultural Policy Implementation and Geo-Information, is a network for geo-information experts active in agriculture.

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